Newborn Training Regimen

Training is an intense regimen of anaerobic and fast-twitch muscle exercises during warm-ups, repetitive technical practice, and sparring.

Many start but few continue. Muay Thai requires more than a casual interest. Before beginning you should understand what it takes, review the class schedule, and then watch the videos of training sessions.

If you think you can do it, visit us for a free training session. Check the schedule and contact pages for times and location. Bring or wear shorts. Gloves will be provided.

Commitment, Discipline, Faith, and Inspiration

Commitment: Anyone who tried to improve his life by exercising more knows how easy it is to quit. To give yourself the best chance of succeeding at Muay Thai you need a strong commitment.

Discipline: For your commitment to be more than a wish it has to be backed by the discipline to continue when the regimen seems too tough.

Faith: When training continues pushing the boundaries of your endurance, when your muscles burn, your body aches, and your sparring is clumsy you must have faith in the promise of Muay Thai: you will grow stronger, you will learn, and you will endure.

Inspiration: The origin of to inspire is from the Latin, to breathe into. Inspiring Muay Thai stories and comments are everywhere on the internet. Read them. Stay pumped.